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11Total carotenoids in Antarctic Krill from the Indian Ocean Sector of the Antarctic Ocean.Sexual and Spatial differences.Abstract Bergen 2016 Carotenoids.pdf
Total carotenoids in Antarctic Krill from the Indian Ocean Sector of the Antarctic Ocean.Sexual and Spatial differences.Centro de Investigación Cientifica y de Educación Superior de EnsenadaJaime Färber Lorda[email protected]México
22Predator diet as an indicator of comb jellyfish (Ctenophora) abundance dynamics in the Barents SeaFish predation as an indicator of comp jellyfish fluctuation-short.pdf
Predator diet as an indicator of comb jellyfish (Ctenophora) abundance dynamics in the Barents SeaInstitute of Marine ReasearchElena Eriksen[email protected]Norway
37Growth and shrinkage is sex-dependent in Antarctic krillTarling et al Krill shrinkage Session 7.pdf
Growth and shrinkage is sex-dependent in Antarctic krillBritish Antarctic SurveyGeraint A. Tarling[email protected]UK
38Spatiotemporal distribution of the decapod Lucifer group in relation to hydrographic conditions in waters around Taiwan, western North Pacific OceanLucifer abstract.pdf
Spatiotemporal distribution of the decapod Lucifer group in relation to hydrographic conditions in waters around Taiwan, western North Pacific OceanInstitute of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, National Sun Yat-Sen UniversityWen-Tseng Lo[email protected] Taiwan, R.O.C
43First records of clock gene activity in Calanus finmarchicus – expression patters during overwintering in a high Arctic fjordSHaefker_abstract_ICES 2016.pdf
First records of clock gene activity in Calanus finmarchicus – expression patters during overwintering in a high Arctic fjordAlfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und MeeresforschungHäfker, N. Sören[email protected]Germany
56Carbon flows through the pelagic food web in the southern Chilean Patagonia. Abstract de Humberto González.pdf
Carbon flows through the pelagic food web in the southern Chilean Patagonia. Universidad Austral de ChileHumberto E. González[email protected]Chile
57Spatial and Temporal Variability of Zooplankton Community Structure in the Chukchi SeaSpear_Zooplankton_abstract.pdf
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Zooplankton Community Structure in the Chukchi SeaNOAA Alaska Fisheries Science CenterAdam Spear[email protected]USA
70Zooplankton communities and pelagic fish diet in the Barents Sea during recent warming period Dolgov et al.-ZPS 2016-Zooplankton and fish diet.pdf
Zooplankton communities and pelagic fish diet in the Barents Sea during recent warming period Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO)Andrey V.Dolgov[email protected]Russia
81Interannual variability in distribution and age structure of larval euphausiids in relation to the environmental conditions (Marguerite Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula).Abstract_Marrari.pdf
Interannual variability in distribution and age structure of larval euphausiids in relation to the environmental conditions (Marguerite Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula).Servicio de Hidrografia NavalMarina Marrari[email protected]Argentina
89In-situ feeding by Euphausia superba in the West Antarctic Peninsula: new insights from DNA analysis of gut contentsCleary, Durbin, Casas - ZPS abstract - krill feeding.pdf
In-situ feeding by Euphausia superba in the West Antarctic Peninsula: new insights from DNA analysis of gut contentsUniversity Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)Alison C Cleary[email protected]Norway
111The variability of zooplankton community structure along the 110°E meridian in the Southern Ocean, 1972-2014ZP6 abstract_Kunio Takahashi.pdf
The variability of zooplankton community structure along the 110°E meridian in the Southern Ocean, 1972-2014National Institute of Polar ResearchKunio T. Takahashi[email protected]Japan
112The role of zooplankton in multispecies dynamics in the Barents SeaAbstract Stige et al.pdf
The role of zooplankton in multispecies dynamics in the Barents SeaCentre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of biosciences, University of OsloLeif Christian Stige[email protected]Norway
120Does an acoustic deep scattering layer show dial vertical migration in the Arctic?Abstract Gjøsæter et al ICES-PICES zps.pdf
Does an acoustic deep scattering layer show dial vertical migration in the Arctic?Institute of Marien ResearchHarald Gjøsæter[email protected]Norway
123Particle-colonising copepods in the subarctic food webs: Feeding and reproduction of Microsetella norvegica and Triconia spp. in the North AtlanticKoski et al. Session 7.pdf
Particle-colonising copepods in the subarctic food webs: Feeding and reproduction of Microsetella norvegica and Triconia spp. in the North AtlanticNational Institute for Aquatic ResourcesMarja Koski[email protected]Denmark
147Regional patterns and controlling factors on population structure of Calanus glacialis in the western Arctic Ocean during summers of 1991−2014ZPS_Matsuno_2.pdf
Regional patterns and controlling factors on population structure of Calanus glacialis in the western Arctic Ocean during summers of 1991−2014Kohei Matsuno[email protected].Japan
148Seasonal changes in zooplankton swimmer community collected by sediment trap moored in the western North Pacific OceanAbstract.pdf
Seasonal changes in zooplankton swimmer community collected by sediment trap moored in the western North Pacific OceanHokkaido UniversityNaoya Yokoi[email protected]Japan
164Comparative analysis of Juday and WP2 net catchabilityZPS_2016_Prokopchuk et al_Abstract.pdf
Comparative analysis of Juday and WP2 net catchabilityKnipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO)Irina Prokopchuk[email protected]Russia
176Oithona species diversity and ecological niche in high latitude North AtlanticCCastellani_etal_session_7.pdf
Oithona species diversity and ecological niche in high latitude North AtlanticSAHFOSClaudia Castellani[email protected]United Kingdom
191Not too small to be overlooked: annual changes in Oithona similis abundance and copepodid structure in Adventfjorden (Isfjorden, Svalbard).Boehnke et al ICES.pdf
Not too small to be overlooked: annual changes in Oithona similis abundance and copepodid structure in Adventfjorden (Isfjorden, Svalbard).Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of SciencesRafal Boehnke[email protected]Poland
207Small zooplankton in the Arctic;; overlooked but abundant?PISCES_abstract_CSvensen2015.pdf
Small zooplankton in the Arctic; overlooked but abundant?UiT the Arctic University of NorwayCamilla Svensen[email protected]Norway
218Annual cycle of lipid dynamics in zooplankton from the Beaufort Sea shelf, Canadian Arctic2016 ICES Bergen.pdf
Annual cycle of lipid dynamics in zooplankton from the Beaufort Sea shelf, Canadian ArcticMemorial UniversityTara L Connelly[email protected]Canada
235The spatial distribution of meroplankton in an arctic fjord ICES-PICES 6ZPS_HelenaMichelsen.pdf
The spatial distribution of meroplankton in an arctic fjord Helena Kling Michelsen[email protected]Norway
241Springtime renewal of Calanus glacialis populations in the Chukchi Sea Ashjian_et_al_Abstract_10_30.pdf
Springtime renewal of Calanus glacialis populations in the Chukchi Sea Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionCarin J. Ashjian[email protected]USA
254Environmental controls on temporal and spatial patterns in pteropod (Limacina helicina) abundance along the Western Antarctic Peninsula Thibodeau_abstract.pdf
Environmental controls on temporal and spatial patterns in pteropod (Limacina helicina) abundance along the Western Antarctic Peninsula Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William and MaryPatricia S. Thibodeau[email protected]USA
265The graveyard diary - changes in the population structure and seasonal dynamics of Arctic zooplankton from a 10+ year time series of sediment trapsMajaneva et al. Sediment trap.pdf
The graveyard diary - changes in the population structure and seasonal dynamics of Arctic zooplankton from a 10+ year time series of sediment trapsLinnaeus UniversityMajaneva S[email protected]Sweden
271Salpa thompsoni life cycle: new insights and implications for the Southern Ocean biological pumpPakhomov etal_Salpa thompsoni life cycle.pdf
Salpa thompsoni life cycle: new insights and implications for the Southern Ocean biological pumpUniversity of British ColumbiaEvgeny Pakhomov[email protected]Canada
272Feeding habits of mesopelagic fish in the Scotia/Weddell Sea during the austral winterPakhomovHunt_Myctophid feeding during winter.pdf
Feeding habits of mesopelagic fish in the Scotia/Weddell Sea during the austral winterUniversity of British ColumbiaEvgeny Pakhomov[email protected]Canada
288Climate responses of Calanus finmarchicus in a high latitude systemZPS_Kvile.pdf
Climate responses of Calanus finmarchicus in a high latitude systemCentre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences, University of OsloKristina Øie Kvile [email protected]Norway
299Egg sizes and life histories of the copepod family EucalanidaeZoop6_Abstract_shimode.pdf
Egg sizes and life histories of the copepod family EucalanidaeYokohama National UniversityShinji Shimode[email protected]Japan
324Atlantic zooplankton journey to the Arctic Ocean: how to get there?Gluchowska et al_ICES Zooplankton Production Symposium.pdf
Atlantic zooplankton journey to the Arctic Ocean: how to get there?Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of SciencesGluchowska M.[email protected]Poland
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