ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium

Guidelines for presenters

​​​Oral presentations

If you are making a presentation at the symposium, please note the following:

  1. All presentations MUST be  uploaded or handed over the day before your presentation.
  2. Presentations should preferably be in PDF format. However, those who have animations, movies, etc., can use other formats, e.g. Power Point (see link below for more details).
  3. Presentations on individual laptops is not an option.
  4. Monday presentations should be uploaded here or handed in to the presentations desk on Sunday 8 May between 17:00-20:00 at the Scandic Bergen City.
  5. Presentation for the rest of the week should also be uploaded here or handed in at the presentations desk no later than 16:00 on the day before your presentation. The presentations desk will be open during session breaks and at the beginning and end of each day.
  6. All presentations should be  named with Session, Time, and Name of the presenter(e.g. s4_1705_smith.pdf).

For a successful presentation please note the following:

  • A laptop computer and projector will be provided for your presentation, using PowerPoint software.
  • For session presentations the total time slot will be 20 minutes. For workshops, the time will be confirmed by your workshop convener at a later date. Allow a minimum of one minute per slide, preferably 2–3 minutes.
  • Arrive at the meeting room before the session/workshop begins and contact the session/workshop convener for last-minute instructions or possible changes in the schedule.
  • During your presentation, state the purpose and objectives of the paper, the main concepts and results, and the conclusions. Avoid too much detail.
  • Ensure that your visual aids can be seen clearly from a distance of at least 20 metres.
  • Do not read your paper, but instead talk to the audience. Speak slowly and audibly. Avoid jargon.
  • Do not exceed the allocated time for your presentation.
Poster presentations
If you are presenting a poster, please report to the Registration desk. You will receive instructions about where to hang your poster. The posters will be grouped by theme session.
The presenting author should be present during one of the two special poster sessions on the evening of 10 and 11 May 2016, to discuss the work presented.

The dimensions of the poster should be limited to A0 size, 84.1 x 118.9cm / 33.11 x 46.81 inches. Please submit your poster in portrait format only. Fittings will be provided. 

When designing the poster keep the following points in mind:
  • Find an eye-catching element that grabs the attention of the audience.
  • Use an attractive colour scheme (check a print of your poster: colours on the screen and on paper are not necessarily the same).
  • Use clear and simple graphs and nice pictures that support the points that you want to make.
  • Keep the layout simple and try to limit the text to absolute minimum (800 words).
  • Tell your story with graphics as much as possible.
  • Tell the audience what they need to know about your research, not about all the research that you did.
  • Make the key messages easily available (e.g. in the centre of the poster)
  • The layout is as important as the science itself.
  • Your genuine enthusiasm in presenting your research and your ability to explain the results is very important, but respect some audiences just want to read the poster, not engage in a long discussion.
  • If you use exceptional layouts, graphical details or even interactive parts, these should enhance the understanding of the results.
  • Include a personal photograph (making it easy to find you!).
  • Make sure the title and author's name (spell out first names) are prominent and eye-catching.


Not all information can be visualized in exactly the same way. Something compelling on A4 is not automatically compelling in A0 and vice versa. Poster making is a craft. Some people might be naturally talented while some need to practice! Thus don’t expect a perfect result from following some simple guidelines. Challenge your layout by involving your colleagues, e.g. print a version and hang it in the hallway to get feedback.

Some recommended webpages:​

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Guidelines for presenters

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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