Project collaborations


Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services for human wellbeing.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lead organization: Royal Netherlands Institute for ​Sea Research​ 

​Duration: 2023-2027

ICES contacts: ​

Harald Hasler-Sheetal, Science Department Professional Officer​​Alondra Rodriguez​, Science Programme Projects Officer​

Project objectives:

ACTNOW is a state-of-the-art work programme that provides regulators and decision-makers the knowledge and fit-for-purpose tools they need to combat biodiversity loss in coastal and marine habitats threatened by climate change (CC) interacting with other local and regional drivers. 

ACNTOW is advancing and applying state-of-the-art tools to deliver concrete scientific support to regulators charged with implementing adaptation and mitigation measures, sustainably expand the blue economy and provide nationally determined contributions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

ACTNOW key actions are:

  • To reveal areas of high biodiversity and climate value
  • Recommend effective conservation actions to be implemented
  • Promote better respect for nature in public and business decision-making
  • Be a world leader in tackling the global biodiversity crisis​

ICES role:

  • Leading work package 6 in communication and dialog, with the main objective to build strong networks of collaboration and communication, and opportunities for training and education using fit for purpose tools and mechanisms. ​

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