How we work

Advisory process

ICES receives requests for scientific advice on a range of issues relating to marine policies and management. This includes advice on ecosystem services and the impacts of human activities as well as on fisheries, and environmental status and trends.
​​We receive advice requests from public authorities, including:

We may also on our own initiative draw the attention of competent authorities to marine matters of potential societal importance which may require attention. 

The science for some advice is created in partnership with General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO).

The science network produces the best available information to answer requests using peer-reviewed methods, which is released as consensus advice by the advisory committee (ACOM).

Principles of ICES advice

​​​​Our advice is grounded by 10 principles to ensure that it is based on the best available science and data, and is relevant, pragmatic and operational to the policy or management challenge in question.

Best available science and data

The basis for the advice is a compilation of relevant data and analysis by core researchers in the field. This analysis is peer-reviewed by scientists with no direct interest or stake in the matter.

Legitimate process

The basis for the advice including the scientific analysis and peer review is fully documented and public through our website. The process is transparent as all steps in the process are open to observers ​from competent authorities. The advice is agreed upon by Advisory Committee (ACOM), which includes scientists appointed by each ICES member country government​.

Operational and policy-relevant advice

The advice is developed in a process where the scope of the request is initially clarified with the requester. Scientists, experienced working at the science/policy interface, are tasked to translate scientific analysis into operational advice.

Read th​e Guide to ICES advisory framework and principles.​​ ​

Go to Advice section on our website.

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​Framework of our advisory process​​. Click on the image to enlarge.

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Advisory process

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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