Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee (ACOM) is the voice of ICES advice. ACOM translates ICES science into advice on the sustainable use, provision of services and protection of marine ecosystems. Each ICES member country has a representative on ACOM.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​ACOM responds to requests ​​for advice from ICES member countries, international commissions and organizations, and fisheries and ecosystem management bodies.

The advice is gro​unded by 10 principles​​ to support ecosystem-based management advice. This ensures that our advice is based on the best available science and data, considered legitimate by both authorities and stakeholders, and relevant and operational to the policy or management challenge in question. ACOM also provides evidence to explore the consequences of trade-offs between objectives.

The committee works with stakeholders​ to ensure that the advice is understandable and relevant to society.

The leadership of ACOM consists of a Chair and four Vice-Chairs.

​​​ACOM Chair: Colm Lordan e-mail​

ACOM Vice-Chair: Dorleta Garcia - e-mail

ACOM Vice-Chair: Joanne Morgan e-m​ail​

ACOM Vice-Chair: Marie-Julie Roux - email​

ACOM Vice-Chair: Simon Jennings - e-mail

Read more about our ACOM members​.


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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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