Project collaborations


User-oriented Solutions for Improved Monitoring  and Management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in vulnerable European Seas

​​​​​​Duration: 2022-2026

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lead organization: Technical University of Denmark - DTU

ICES contacts:

Neil Holdsworth, He​ad of Data and Information​

Eirini Glyki​,​ Science Department Professional Officer

The overarching goal of B-USEFUL is to co-develop a set of user-oriented solutions and decision-support tools allowing end-users to identify and visualize areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services in order to prioritize conservation efforts in biodiversity hotspots, or other high-risk areas requiring a stricter degree of protection. To achieve this overall goal B-USEFUL will pursue the following objectives serving to inform and improve marine management and governance frameworks for biodiversity protection in European Seas within the broader context of ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning:

  1. Develop a set of operational biodiversity indicators and targets fitting end-user needs and policy goals
  2. Assess the status and cumulative impacts on marine biodiversity and their associated services
  3. Identify sensitive species, habitats and ecosystems particularly vulnerable to cumulative human impacts and biodiversity loss
  4. Simulate the status of biodiversity and their associated services under various future scenarios of climate change and human pressures
  5. Co-develop interactive, online decision-support tools fit for informing marine spatial planning

ICES role:

  • Data standards and sharing protocols (Maximize the uptake and use of available European data infrastructure for monitoring and assessing marine biodiversity)
  • Stakeholder engagement; co-creating indicators, scenarios and decision-support tools
  • Co-develop, online and interactive tools and solutions fit for decision support within ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning​

B-USEFUL has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe reserach and innovation programme ​under grant agreement No 101059823
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