Data Portals

Thematic data portals

Datasets are organized around specific thematic data portals. ICES data portal gathers all the content for you if you are not sure which specific thematic portal you require.

​​​Biodiversity database hosts seabird and seals abundance and distribution records and is linked to OSPAR, and ICES groups (JWGBIRD, WGMME)

Contaminants, biological effects, and biological community data are made available through the DOME web portal (Database on Oceanography and Marine Ecosystems).

Eggs and Larvae database makes available data collected by ichthyoplankton surveys for use by ICES and the wider marine community.

Fish Trawl Survey datasets collected in connection with the Data Collection Framework (EU-DCF) are managed under the DATRAS portal.

Fish predation is the focus of the fish stomach data portal.

Historical plankton is an 'historical' dataset collection, where the dataset is considered complete and there are no immediate plans to update it.

Oceanographic data which includes temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll a, and nutrients measurements are made available through the OCEAN web applications.

Impulsive underwater noise collates data on licens​ed events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations across the OSPAR and HELCOM areas.

Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems hosts data on deep-water VMEs in the North Atlantic

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Thematic data portals

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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