ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium

Zooplankton in high-latitude ecosystems

Kim Bernard (Oregon State University, USA)
Rolf Gradinger (Arctic University of Norway)
​​​​​​​Invited speakers:
Ksenia Kosobokova (Russian Academy of Sciences, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, SIO RAS)
Bettina Meyer (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany)


Zooplankton play a key role in high-latitude ecosystems, both as part of the microbial loop and as a link from primary producers to higher trophic levels like fish, whales, and birds. The unique physiological adaptations and life cycle strategies of Arctic and Antarctic zooplankton allow for high productivity and biomass, and for an elevated contribution to the carbon cycle.

This session invites contributions to the following special topic areas:

  • The role of zooplankton (micro- through macro-) in high-latitude ecosystems
  • Unique life cycle strategies and adaptations to the high-latitude environment
  • Biodiversity and range shifts
  • Time series and the implications of change
  • Unknown diversity in deep polar seas
  • Regional patterns and variability
  • Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic zooplankton communities and adaptations​

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Zooplankton in high-latitude ecosystems

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