Ecosystem overviews

Celtic Seas

Pressures: Other pressures

The five most important pressures in the Celtic Seas ecoregion are selective extraction of species, abrasion, smothering, substrate loss, and nutrient and organic enrichment.

​​​​​​​​​​These pressures are linked mainly to the following human activities: fishing, aquaculture, coastal construction, land-based industry, maritime transport, agriculture, dredging, and offshore structures for renewable and non-renewable energy sources.​

Other pressures of potential concern in the Celtic Sea ecoregion are the introduction of contaminating compounds: the introduction of non-indigenous species, litter, and underwater sound. 

​​​​​​​​​​​Contaminants are localized and restricted to coastal areas, with levels of most contaminants declining. However, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in both killer whales Orcinus orca and bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus are at levels that will inhibit reproduction.​

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Celtic Seas

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