ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium



Selected papers (oral and poster) from the symposium will be included in a special issue of the ICES Journal of Marine Science scheduled for publication in 2017.​

Manuscript submission instructions
Manuscripts that authors wish to have considered for the special symposium issue of the ICES Journal of Marine Science need to be submitted online through the ICES JMS

The deadline for receipt of manuscripts is 31 July 2016.

Read the Instructions to Authors​ and follow the Online Submission Instructions, noting particularly the need to classify the manuscript as a symposium one (at a point during the submission process at which you are asked if the submission belongs to a symposium, you should select '6th International Zooplankton Production Symposium' from the drop-down menu); then press Submit Now! Questions on technical issues related to submissions may be directed to the editorial office​

Please note, the symposium has been granted a finite page budget of 200 pp. To accommodate as many papers as possible, authors are asked to limit their manuscript size to the following maxima (note, these are upper limits and not targets): 

  • Maximum word count for abstracts, 250 words 
  • Paper length 5-12 printed pages (approx 3000–7000 words) inclusive of text
  • Appropriate references (target 50–60)
  • Figures and tables

Motivation to exceed these limits may be provided, but will need to be very strong to succeed. Supplementary information and/or data (preferred to Appendices), may be submitted for online publication, providing it adds value to the manuscript. 

During the online submission process, you will be asked to supply the following information:

  1. In a cover letter, you must provide a written justification as to why you believe the content of the paper is relevant to the special symposium issue of the IJMS, highlighting the paper's research significance and particularly its innovative message, along with its primary scientific contribution.
  2. Include names and current contact addresses (including email addresses) of appropriate referees who have not been associated with the research being published, or closely affiliated with any of the authors in the past five years.
  3. Confirm that the material is original, has not been submitted elsewhere, and has the full written approval of all co-authors to submit.
  4. ​Confirm that the author has adhered to general guidelines for the ethical use of animals in research, the legal requirements of the country in which the work was carried out, and any institutional guidelines (if national certificates are available, append those). If ethical considerations arose in the course of the study, the author should describe in the manuscript how those considerations were addressed. In exceptional cases, where unresolved ethical questions remain, the manuscript may be sent to appropriate experts in the ethical use of animals in research for additional refereeing. In such cases, the decision as to whether the manuscript is accepted for publication remains with the handling editor or, in the final instance, the IJMS's Editor-in-Chief.

Failure to adhere to these four requirements and the stated size criteria will result in the rejection of your submission without assignment to handling editor or review. Remember that it will be competitive (based on available publishing space as much as on quality) to get your manuscript accepted in the issue, so adherence to guidelines will have to be the first criterion for selection.

Ideally, text and figures should be in separate files, and manuscript texts should be submitted preferably in MS Word format. DO NOT send manuscript texts in PDF format. ​​

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