Fisheries overviews


Fisheries Overviews are central to ICES approach to support ecosystem-based fisheries management, the primary way of managing human activities affecting marine ecosystems.

​The overviews have been established by taking into account feedback from clients. They provide the 'fisheries narrative' for each ecoregion.

The overviews summarize activities of different fishing fleets, provide information on the composition of catches and bycatches, introduce fisheries management frameworks, agreements and measures, and evaluate ecosystem effects of fishing activities. They also provide management advice on the trade-offs linked to mixed fisheries scenarios, and deal with technical interactions occurring in different fisheries by areas and species. The Fisheries Overviews increase our capacity to provide the integrated ecosystem advice that is required to meet the current and future needs of clients and stakeholders.


The purpose of Fisheries Overviews is to describe:

  • national fishing fleets in the ecoregion, including their fishing gears and spatio-temporal patterns;
  • status of the fisheries resources and the level of exploitation relative to the agreed objectives and reference points;
  • mixed-fisheries considerations of relevance to the management of the fisheries;
  • impacts of fishing gear on the ecosystem in terms of the seabed and the bycatch of endangered, protected and/or threatened species.


Fisheries Overviews are continuously evolving, and the inclusion of new topics depends on their relevance to requesters of advice and stakeholders, the scientific maturity, data availability and quality, and capacity of expertise in the ICES science network.

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​Photo: Svanhildur Egilsdottir

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