Project collaborations

BlueMission AA

Implementing the EU Mission Restore our Ocean
and Waters by 2030 in the Atlantic & Arctic

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lead organization: The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre)​

Duration: 2022​–2025

ICES contacts: 

Harald Hasler-Sheetal, Science Department Professional Officer​​

Marta Majewska​, Science Department Officer​

Project objectives

The Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse focuses on preservation and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems for increased climate resilience in the Atlantic and Arctic basin, through the following objectives:​

Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Protect at least 30% and strictly protect 10% EU’s sea areas
  • Restore 25 000 km free flowing rivers
  • Marine nature restoration targets (including degraded seabeds, coastal ecosystems)​

​Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas, and waters
  • Reduce by at least 50% plastic litter
  • Reduce by at least 30% microplastics
  • Reduce by at least 50% nutrient losses, chemical pesticides​

Make the sustainable Blue Economy carbon-neutral and circular​
  • Net zero maritime emissions
  • Zero carbon aquaculture
  • Low carbon multipurpose uses of marine space​

ICES role

  • Work package leadership 
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities​

​​This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research And Innovation Programme​ under Grant Agreement No 101093962.​​​




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BlueMissionAA kick-off meeting in Cork, Ireland, on the 23rd of November 2022. Source:

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