How we work

Stakeholders and observers

At ICES, we strive to create an inclusive community in which stakeholders can participate, collaborate, and exchange the knowledge needed to advance science and advice for sustainable seas. 
​​​The role of stakeholders at ICES  
Stakeholders are individuals or organizations who affect or are affected by a decision, process, or action of ICES. The role and involvement varies, from scientists contributing to ICES science and advice, to partners requesting and receiving the work of ICES, to contributors to and observers of ICES science and advice.  

To ensure the transparency of our processes, we encourage stakeholders of all kinds to take part in ICES meetings and activities. The balanced participation of stakeholders plays a central role in contributing to the scientific basis and societal context of ICES advice.

How stakeholders can get involved 
ICES welcomes all stakeholders to participate in our activities. There are a variety of workshops (including benchmark workshops) groups that are open to stakeholders as participants. Upcoming ICES meetings can be found in our calendar here/below.  

Annual meeting for stakeholders and observers (MIACO) 
Every January, we hold MIACO, an annual meeting dedicated to informing and updating stakeholders on ICES activities. Here, we review the past year’s work, and discuss the plans for the year ahead, opening the floor to any questions and concerns. Sign up here to join MIACO. 

The role of observers at ICES
Observers take on a formal role in some cases at ICES, as a specific kind of stakeholder, allowing them to gain access to the science and advisory processes before final delivery to decision-makers. Their role is mainly to observe ICES processes, rather than directly contributing to them.

Learn more about the role of ICES observers,​ and how to become an observer.



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Stakeholder roles within ICES

Strengthening stakeholder engagement at ICES
​​ICES Stakeholder Engagement Strategy supports our mission and vision to be an independent, world-leading marine science organization which is responsive to a changing society and its challenges. It provides a framework through which stakeholder engagement can continue to evolve, ensuring the credibility, legitimacy, and relevance of ICES sience and scientific advice. ​​

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Stakeholders and observers

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
ICES Secretariat · H. C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46, DK 1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark · Tel: +45 3338 6700 · Fax: +45 3393 4215 · [email protected]
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