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We work together with our stakeholders and welcome observers to our activities and meetings.

​​​​​Observers in our advisory activities

Review and advice drafting group as well as Advisory Committee (ACOM) meetings are open to observers from governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations and individuals, after application for observer status has been approved by ICES.

​All workshops including benchmark and d​ata compilation workshops are public meetings and can be attended by anyone with relevant expertise to the process.

​Observers in our science activities

Our science activities (Science Committee, expert groups, workshops) are open to observers. The decision to accept an observer is made by the Chair of the respective meeting in consultation with the Secretariat.

​How to apply

To apply for observer status, send an email to ICES Secretariat with your name, affiliation, an outline of your aims and purposes as well as interest in ICES, and the name of the meeting or activity you wish to observe.

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Our observers in the annual meeting for observers and Advisory Councils in January 2020.

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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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