ICES Strategic Plan defines our direction and priorities relating to science, data, and advice, and to develop the capacity needed to fulfil this commitment.
To achieve this, we will work collaboratively, using our broad international network to generate and share the data, knowledge, and advice needed to meet current and emerging conservation, management, and sustainability goals.
In support of the Strategic Plan, we have developed a Science Plan and an Advisory Plan, each focusing on key areas of work.
Our science themes
Our Science Plan highlights our seven interrelated scientific themes and how our network will address them:
- Marine ecosystem science
- Impacts of human activities
- Observation and exploration of the seas and ocean
- Emerging techniques and technologies
- Food from the sea
- Conservation and restoration science
- Sea and society
CES science covers a wide range of aquatic science fields, from disciplinary research in the natural and social sciences and the humanities to the application of inter- and transdisciplinary.
Advisory Plan priority areas
Our Advisory Plan maps out five priority areas:
- Assuring quality
- Process innovation and efficiency
- Building capacity and resilience
- Ecosystem and climate-informed actionable advice
- Highlighting benefits
The plan details ongoing efforts to enhance the advisory process to make it more efficient, quality assured and fit for purpose.