How we work


Resolutions lay the foundation for ICES work.

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  • Expert groups: Resolutions are used to form working groups and workshops and define their work plans, including Terms of Reference (ToRs)
  • ICES Publications: Resolutions are used to request the publication of Cooperative Research Reports (CRRs) and Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences (TIMES)
  • Symposia: Resolutions are used to request ICES sponsorship or co-sponsorship of scientific conferences and symposia
  • Council: Resolutions are used to form and define the work plans of Council activities, including Strategic initiatives and expert groups
  • Steering groups, operational groups, committees, stra​tegic initiatives​, and science cooperation: Resolutions are used to form and define the work plans of these gr​​oups, committees, and initiatives and to request support for science cooperation with other organizations


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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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