
Science themes

Our Science Plan highlights seven interrelated themes. The knowledge we generate when tackling these themes will support advice on the state of the seas and on meeting conservation, management, and sustainability goals.
​​​​​​​​​ICES science covers a wide range of aquatic science fields, from disciplinary research in the natural and social sciences and the humanities to the application of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research approaches.

Marine ecosystem science
Advance the understanding of marine ecosystem structure, function, and dynamics, including variability and the vulnerability and resilience of these systems to change.

Impacts of human activities
Measure, assess, and project the effects of human activities on marine ecosystems and ecosystem services — to explore the present and future states of marine social–ecological systems.

Observation and exploration of the seas and ocean
Monitor and explore the marine ecosystem — track changes, and develop new observation methodologies and improve existing approaches.​

Emerging techniques and technologies
Develop, evaluate, and use new techniques and technologies — to advance knowledge of marine systems, inform management, and increase the scope and efficiency of monitoring.

Food from the sea
Generate evidence to underpin advice for managing wild-capture fisheries and aquaculture — using ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) to ensure both safe and sustainable food from the sea.

Conservation and restoration science
Develop tools, knowledge, and evidence for conservation and restoration — help advancing sustainable use and protection of marine species and habitats.

Sea and society
Evaluate the contribution of the sea to livelihoods, recreation, well-being and cultural identities — to inform fisheries and ecosystem status assessments, policy development, and management.​

Explore our Science Plan​​​ to read more about the objectives of our science priorities.​

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The seven themes of our Science Plan

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Science themes

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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