ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium

Social events

A number of networking oppotunities are on offer thoughout the symposium week.

​Monday 9 May

19:00 Welcome Reception

Tuesday 10 May and Wednesday 11 May

Evening poster sessions​ (17:45 and 18:00)

Wednesday 11 May

14:00-18:00 Afternoon sightseeing 

Trip 1: Excursion to "Lysøen", the home of the famous Norwegian musician, Ole Bull and a visit to the monastery ruins nearby. Bus and boat. Price 250 NOK.

Trip 2: Excursion to the Coastal Museum in Øygarden with visit to a fish farm. Bus. Price 250 NOK.

Trip 3: A walk through Bergen with a local guide. Price 50 NOK.

​Trip 4: A walk to the KODE museum for a guided tour of the masterpieces of Astrup and Munch. Price 100 NOK.

Trip 5: A visit to Fløyen, the rooftop of Bergen. Enjoy the view and take a walk through the forest. Price 150 NOK.​

Sign up at the symposium.

​Thursday 12 May

19:00 Symposium dinner​ at Scandic Bergen City. 

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​Photo: Nils Aukan.

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