Project collaborations

BlueMission BANOS

Baltic and North Sea Lighthouse

Supporting the EU Mission Restore our Ocean & Waters in the Baltic and North Sea

​​​​​​​​​Lead organization: ​ SUBMARINER Network

Duration: 2023–2026

ICES contacts: 

Harald Hasler-Sheetal​, Science Department Professional Officer​​
Marta Majewska​, Science Department Officer​​

Project objectives:​

BlueMission BANOS inspires, engages, and supports stakeholders across the Baltic and North Sea to reach a carbon-neutral & circular blue economy.

It facilitates the development of a sustainable, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy in the Baltic and North Sea by connecting national, regional, and transnational actors from policy, industry, science and the public, creating a conducive governance model to innovation.

While fostering the transition towards the blue economy, the mission will also support preventing and eliminating water pollution and protecting and restoring marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity.

The mission actors work to reduce governance fragmentation, facilitate evidence-based decision making and foster citizen engagement across the BANOS area.

ICES role:

  • Co-creating an optimal governance structure for the implementation of the Mission objectives in the BANOS area, as well as providing recommendations for the Lighthouse monitoring framework and transfer of monitoring practices to other sea basins.
  • ​ICES also acts as a facilitator of dialogue among the BANOS and other lighthouses in the assessment of the implementation and achievement of the Mission Ocean objectives.


Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement ID 101093845

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BlueMission BANOS

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