ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium

ICES PICES cooperative research initiative - towards a global measurement of zooplankton production

Lidia Yebra (IEO, Spain)
Toru Kobari (Kagoshima University, Japan)
​​​Invited speaker:
Lutz Postel (Germany)

​Zooplankton communities play a central role in the flow of matter and energy passing from primary producers to higher trophic levels in marine ecosystems. Over the past two decades, quantitative evaluation of zooplankton production and its driving forces has been emphasized as a critical component to improved understanding of the responses of marine ecosystems to global climate change. While many methodologies have been proposed for estimating zooplankton production, we have limited knowledge of which methods are the most practical and relevant for measuring the production rates of natural zooplankton populations and/or communities across a wide range of phyla and trophic levels. A quantitative evaluation of existing, new, and emerging methodologies is required.

This workshop will share the applicability of existing methods (i.e. traditional approaches) as well as the development of novel methods (i.e. biochemical-based approaches and others) for measuring zooplankton production rates. We welcome abstract submissions on topics that concern:

  • Assumptions, limitations, and recent advances of the traditional and novel biochemical-based approaches used to estimate production of zooplankton populations or communities;
  • Validation and calibration of zooplankton production rate estimates measured by biochemical-based approaches, models, and traditional methodologies.

Through this workshop, we aim to foster cooperative research activities and working groups on zooplankton production among members of the PICES (North Pacific Marine Science Organization) and ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) communities.

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ICES PICES cooperative research initiative - towards a global measurement of zooplankton production

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