News on Advice Activities

This is the new public site for notifications about meetings related to the ICES Advices, as well as information concerning advice activities. If you wish to be notified about new posts​ on this site please send a message to [email protected] 

Jan 28
Iceland request for review and advice on aspects of the Genetic Intrusion Risk Assessment Framework for salmon aquaculture (GIRAF)

ICES has received a special request from Iceland for review and advice on aspects of the Genetic Intrusion Risk Assessment Framework for salmon aquaculture (GIRAF) ​. Advice in response to this request will be released on 14 March 2025 November 2025, for more information see:

Jan 08
Netherlands (GNSBI) request concerning cumulative impact assessment

ICES has received a special request from the Netherlands on behalf of the Greater North Sea Basin Initiative concerning cumulative impact assessment . Advice in response to this request will be released on 5 November 2025, for more information see:​/GNSBI_request.pdf

Dec 17
EU-DGMARE request concerning socio-economic impacts of offshore renewable energy (ORE) on fisheries and methodologies to model (cumulative) impacts

ICES has received a special request from EU-DGMARE concerning socio-economic impacts of offshore renewable energy (ORE) on fisheries and methodologies to model (cumulative) impacts in the Celtic Sea, Greater North Sea and Baltic Sea (ICES ecoregions) . Advice in response to this request will be released on 11 April 2025, for more information see:​

Dec 17
Stakeholder Input Invitation - Benchmark Workshop on the Application of Stock Synthesis (SS3) on Selected Stocks (WKBSS3 2025)

​Dear all, 

Please find below an invitation for the input of stakeholders to the 2025 Benchmark Workshop on the Application of Stock Synthesis (SS3) on Selected Stocks (WKBSS3 2025). ​​

Best, Jaylene​​

Dec 10
Advice on bycatch of endangered, threatened and protected species of marine mammals, seabirds and marine turtles, and selected fish species of bycatch relevance

​The ICES advice on bycatch of endangered, threatened and protected species of marine mammals, seabirds and marine turtles, and selected fish species of bycatch relevance has been released today and is available from the ICES online library at:

Dec 06
Advice on support for the implementation of the Action Plan for harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea (Baltic Proper)

​The ICES advice in response to EU-DGMARE request on support for the implementation of the Action Plan for harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea (Baltic Proper) (23_09_III Harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea (Baltic proper)) has been released today and is available from the ICES online library at:

Dec 06
ICES Fisheries Overviews

​Revised versions of the ICES Greenland Sea ecoregion Fisheries Overview and Greater North Sea ecore-gion Fisheries Overview have been released together with updated versions of the Fisheries Overviews for the Azores ecoregion, Baltic Sea ecoregion, Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion, Celtic Seas ecoregion, Norwegian Sea ecoregion and the Oceanic Northeast Atlantic ecoregion.

Nov 13
ICES Technical Services on catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks 2024: cod.27.7e-k, whg,27.7a, whg.27.7b-ce-k

Technical Services, in response to standing EU-DGMARE request, on catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks 2024 for cod (Gadus morhua) in divisions 7.e–k (western English Channel and southern Celtic Seas), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in Division 7.a (Irish Sea), and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in divisions 7.b–c and 7.e–k (southern Celtic Seas and western English Channel) have been released today and are available from the ICES online library at:

Nov 13
ICES advice on mixed fisheries considerations

​The ICES advice on mixed-fisheries considerations for the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Seas, Greater North Sea, and the Irish Sea has been released today is available from the ICES online library at:

Nov 11
Invitation: Benchmark workshop on Mackerel and Norwegian spring-spawning herring (WKBMACNSSH)

​The Benchmark on Mackerel and Norwegian spring-spawning herring (WKBMACNSSH) will meet at ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark and online between 9-13 December 2024 for a data meeting; and in person at ICES HQ in Copenhagen, Denmark and online between 24-28 March 2025 for the assessment meeting. The workshop welcomes registration of interested participants. 

Stocks in benchmark:

  • her.27.1-24a514a; Herring (Clupea harengus) in subareas 1, 2, 5 and divisions 4.a and 14.a, Norwegian spring-spawning herring (the Northeast Atlantic and Arctic Ocean); WGWIDE
  • mac.27.nea; Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in subareas 1-8 and 14 and division 9.a (the Northeast Atlantic and adjacent waters); WGWIDE​ 
Please register interest in participating in the workshop by sending an email to​ [email protected]

Best regards, 


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