ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

Human Dimensions in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments

Chairs: Jörn Schmidt (Germany), David Goldsborough (Netherlands), and Eva-Lotta Sundblad (Sweden)

Wednesday 23 September 2015
Room: Nørrebros Runddel

​​The human dimension encompasses the social, cultural, economic, and governance aspects of the Ecosystem Based Approach to Management (EBM). For an integrated understanding of marine socio-ecological systems, methodologies from both natural and social sciences need to be applied, while  methodologies that integrate across disciplines need to be developed.

In contrast to natural sciences, within ICES, social sciences are less developed and not used to their full extent. If the integrated understanding is to be translated into advice and management, the interface between science and policy, the involvement of wider civil society needs to be taken into account.

Input on IEA development within ICES will be received from the IEA open session​ taking place on Monday.​



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Human Dimensions in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments

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