ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

Theme Session R

Causes and consequences of hypoxia

Karin E. Limburg (USA)
Valerio Bartolino (Sweden)
Benjamin Walther (USA)
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​Oxygen-depleted waters have become a worldwide problem for the management and conservation of marine ecosystems due to interacting forces of nutrient loading from continents, ocean circulation, and climate.  At the population level, this has led to a decline in suitable habitats for many fish populations, which has affected their distribution, survival, and growth and at the system level has led to an overall decline in production.  

However, in most cases, effects on fish and fisheries have been difficult to observe, let alone quantify. It is only recently that we have begun to acquire the tools (such as physiological markers, otolith markers, and in situ observation systems) to observe and describe the processes and consequences of hypoxia/anoxia on population and system production and subsequently on fisheries.

This theme session will explore the effects and implications of hypoxia (dead zones) for coastal and marine ecosystems. Topics may include responses at the individual (e.g. physiological), population, community, and ecosystem levels:
  • Empirical and modelling studies of hypoxia in marine and freshwater
  • Contributions on the impacts of hypoxia on fish and fisheries distribution
  • Studies of changes in community structure and ecological interactions forced by hypoxia
  • Presentations that consider management of human activities in waters affected by hypoxia are particularly welcome​


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​​Photo: Adrian Cowo - Wonderful Copenhagen.

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Theme Session R

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