ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

Early career scientists

ICES encourages early career scientists to participate in the Annual Science Conference
and a number of initiatives are in place to assist
and welcome you to the conference.
Early career scientist awards
Three Early career scientist awards will be presented at the conference closing ceremony (two for oral presentations and one for poster presentation). These awards will emphasize the quality of the presentations and not the career achievements of the early career scientists.

Scientists eligible for the Early Career Scientist awards are those no older than 35 years at the time of the ASC. The awardees need not be first-time presenters at an ASC. However, they should not have received a previous Early Career Scientist award from ICES. It is assumed that the awardee is the first author and major contributor of the research presented. 

The prizes consist of framed certificates and €1,000 vouchers to be used to cover participation costs in an ICES sponsored activity, i.e. a training course, expert group meeting, symposium, or
workshop, but not the ASC. The voucher must be redeemed within 24 months of the award.

Early career scientists career chat

Wednesday 16 September 13:00 – 15:00
Spisehuset foyer, DGI Byen

Join a number of well-known members of the marine science community for a career chat. In an informal setting, you will have the opportunity to ask our experts about their respective career paths and what advice they may have for you.

Participants include:

  • Sigi Gruber, Head of the Marine Resources Unit, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission (EC)
  • Howard Browman, ICES Editor in Chief
  • Laura Richards, PICES President
  • Tom Redd, JPI Oceans
  • Esben Sverdrup-Jensen, Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation
  • Henrik Gislason, DTU Aqua, Copenhagen, Denmark Henrik Gislason
  • Rata na Chuenpagdee, Canada Research Chair in Natural Resource Sustainability and Community Development, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada
  • David Secor, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, USA

This event represents a unique opportunity to meet experts from around the world that have taken different career paths into a range of disciplines.

Come along armed with your questions and create your own discussion.

As space is limited, you must register for this event​ or sign up at the registration desk.

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​ICES A​SC 2013, Reyjkavik, Iceland.

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Early career scientists

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