ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

SCICOM Open Plenary

Highlights from ICES Science and Advice
SCICOM Chair: Yvonne Walther (Sweden, ICES)
ACOM Chair: Eskild Kirkegaard (Denmark, ICES)

Monday 21 September 2015
Room: Sankt Hans and Nørrebros Runddel (combined)

ICES advice is based on solid scientific analysis.
But what is ICES advice and what is ICES science?  

How is the science that feeds into advice developed and what can ICES do to create the science that is required for future advice.

At this Open Plenary, the chairs of ICES Science Committee and ICES Advisory Committee will discuss these questions and give highlights of recent science and advice. ​​

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SCICOM Open Plenary

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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