Working Group on Maritime Systems

The Working Group on Maritime Systems (WGMARS) is an expert group based on interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding of the coupled human-ocean system.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​WGMARS is a forum for interdisciplinary perspectives on sustainable ecosystem science, advice, and governance. It engages with maritime stakeholders from across the North Atlantic to take into consideration and better understand their perspectives. 

The group currently has three main areas of research:

1) Research on integrated ecosystem assessments (IEAs) in the context of ICES Regional Seas Groups

We aim to understand how these assessments have evolved, the work of Regional Seas Groups on IEAs, including definitions and framing, identification of users of such assessments, and how the assessments are integrated into advice.

2) Research on behavioral economics in fisheries

We explore examples of different types of beh​avioural economic effects such as the “IKEA-effect" in fisheries (e.g., if you have input to creating a rule, you are more likely to follow it) to analyse interactions between resources users and governance and marine systems.

3) Social network analysis of ICES expert groups

WGMARS and associates are carrying out a social network analysis (SNA) of ICES expert groups for the years 2015-2019 to explore interactions of these groups and implications for interdisciplinary research and advice on ecosystem-based fisheries management. 

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