ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

Theme Session D

New approaches to measure and assess biodiversity

W. Nikolaus Probst (Germany)
Oscar Bos (the Netherlands)
Simon P. R. Greenstreet (UK)

​​​C​ontact conveners​​​

The conservation and protection of biodiversity has become a high-level objective of marine policy. Yet the understanding of how to measure and assess biodiversity in relation to marine conservation is not fully developed. In many cases, it is not known which features of biodiversity can be related to ecosystem health, function, resistance, and resilience. Consequently, the call for ecosystem+based management and its implementation in marine policies has instigated new research on biodiversity and its importance for marine conservation. 

This session welcomes papers addressing the following topics:

  • New and applied methods to measure biodiversity
  • Aspects of biodiversity that contribute to ecosystem health
  • Assessing biodiversity: Linking biodiversity science to environmental assessments
  • Coherent concepts for monitoring biodiversity
  • Practical examples on progress implementing biodiversity assessments within marine policies (e.g. MSFD)
  • Linking biodiversity to the 'ecosystem goods and services' approach​


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Theme Session D

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