ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

SCICOM Open Sessions

Shape the future path of ICES science
​ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) invites you to the Open Sessions Monday 21 and Wednesday 23 September.

SCICOM, along with its Steering Groups and Strategic Initiatives, handpicks exciting and challenging topics for the annual Open Sessions.
These sessions provide you with a wider understanding of how both ICES and SCICOM work through informing participants how ICES science is developed into advice.

The Open Sessions often result in new proposals for working groups, workshops, or theme sessions for forthcoming ASCs. But more importantly, as the scientific discussions take off, the sessions are always directed towards landing in practical solutions. 

The first instalment of SCICOM's Open Sessions takes place directly after the SCICOM and ACOM Open Plenary, hosted by SCICOM Chair Yvonne Walther and ACOM Chair Eskild Kirkegaard at 09:00 on M​onday 21 September​.

The second part takes place at 15:00 on Wednesday 23 September. 
All ASC attendees are welcome and encouraged to attend.​​​   

Monday 21 September 2015 

9:00–10:00 ​

Open Plenary: Highlights from ICES Science and Advice​
Room: Sankt Hans and Nørrebros Runddel (combined)              


Bridging the gap between data users and data providers​
Room: Enghave Plads and Kødbyen (combined)​

Strategic Initiative on Climate Change and Marine Ecosystems​ ​Room: Hovedbanen​ ​  ​

Ecosystem processes and dynamics
Room: Spisehuset        

Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
Room: Vesterbro Torv

​Wednesday 23 September 2015


Human Dimensions in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments
Room: Nørrebros Runddel   

Marine ecosystem baselines as the basis for reference points​
Room: Hovedbanen     

Thursday 24 September 2015


What makes a good conference?
​Come and shape the future of ICES ASC!​
Room:​ Spisehuset

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SCICOM Open Sessions

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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