ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

Theme Session G

Managing marine ecosystem services in a changing climate
(Co-sponsored by PICES)

Sebastian Villasante (Spain)
Manuel Barange (UK)
Keith Criddle (PICES)

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​​Climate change is already producing and will continue to produce a wide range of direct and indirect impacts on marine ecosystems and the goods and services (ES) they provide. These changes will have significant implications for national economies, fishers, and the well-being of coastal communities that rely on these ES, for many generations to come. The variety of mechanisms involved, the complex social-ecological interactions, the possibility of abrupt and surprising changes, and the diversity of ES provided by marine ecosystems make the future effects of climate change difficult to predict.

Rising energy costs, stagnation in income because of relatively low fish prices, and changes in fisheries management (e.g. discard ban) are among the economic threats that many fisheries face, threats that might affect the attitudes and behaviour of fishers. Understanding how stakeholders (e.g. the fishing industry) adapt to climate change is critical for the effective management of sustainable fisheries in the European Union.

Given the increasing relevance of marine ES and the adaptive response of management adapting and responding to climate change impacts, this theme session will discuss papers related to the impacts of climatic change on ES, either provisioning (e.g. fisheries), regulatory (e.g. climate), supporting (e.g. nutrient cycles), or cultural (e.g. recreation). Examples of the topics relevant to the session include:

  • Understanding of differential (biophysical and socioeconomic) impacts of climate on the production and diversity of marine ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales,
  • Resolving biogeographic patterns, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, and ES supported by different marine ecosystems in the ICES region
  • Multidisciplinary research tools and methodologies to detect, predict, and forecast the response of marine ES to climate change
  • The human dimension and stakeholder attitudes and perceptions to climate-driven change
  • Adaptive strategies to climate change: from local to global examples
  • Market and consumer's awareness of climate change and the sustainable provision of ES
  • Local, national, and international governance of climate change: implications for innovative policies​​​​
Selected papers from this session may be published is a special thematic issue of Fish and Fisheries​.
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​Photo: Nicolai Perjesi – Wonderful Copenhagen

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Theme Session G

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