ICES Annual Science Conference 2015


Congratulations on being accepted to share your work with the marine science community. Follow our guidelines to make your ASC experience as stress free as possible.

Deadline for sending in your extended abstract: 31 August 2015!

​​​​​​​​Before the conference​

Extended Abstracts

​Authors of all accepted oral presentations at the ICES 2015 ASC must submit an extended abstract. 
Presenters of accepted posters can choose to submit an extended abstract, a full paper or an electronic version of their poster.

  • Follow these guidelines​ to submit your extended abstract
  • View an extended abstract example​​​ here    
  • Insert the ICES CM 2015/letter code of your theme session/the number that you have been allocated e.g. ICES CM 2015/A:01, A:02 etc 
  • All extended abstracts with incorrect formats will be returned to authors
  • The extended abstract has a maximum length of 2 pages
  • Submit your extended abstract/poster as an Adobe Acrobat PDF email attachment to: [email protected] 
  • The deadline is Monday 31 August 2015
  • Please note that your submission is final. Once it has been sent, amendments will no longer be possible. 

Preparing your presentation​​

​Preparing for your oral presentation

Preparing for your poster presentation

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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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