Assessment Tools

Stock assessment graphs

ICES ecosystem advice is based on assessment results that are presented in stock assessment standard graphs and data tables. Data and plots are available in ICES Stock Assessment Database.


ICES Stock Assessment Database data are available for the analytically assessed ICES stocks from 2014 onwards. Plots and data from previous assessments will be made available when the data and settings have been quality controlled.

Usage and Citation

Data from published advice can be downloaded, please refer to ICES Data Policy for full conditions and guidance on citation.  When publishing results from the database the minimum citation should include:

ICES Stock Assessment Database. Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES. [accessed date].

ICES Advice Groups
ICES experts can upload data, make and edit graphs in preparation for new ICES advice (login required).

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Stock assessment graphs

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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