ICES Annual Science Conference 2015

Theme Sessions

Note that timetables may be subject to change without notice


Advancement of stock assessment methods​ for sustainable fisheries​​

​Steve Cadrin (USA) Ciaran Kelly (Ireland)
Rick Methot (USA)
​​Session A Report


Operationalizing ecosystem-based fisheries management                          

​Tim Essington (USA) Kristin Marshall (USA) 
Christian Möllmann (Germany)

Session B Report


Ecosystem monitoring in practice 
(Co-sponsored by PICES)

​Matthias Schaber (Germany)
Sven Gastauer (Australia)
Jack Barth ​(PICES) Elena Eriksen (Norway)​
Session C Report


New approaches to measure and assess biodiversity​

​W. Nikolaus Probst (Germany)
Oscar Bos (the Netherlands)
Simon P. R. Greenstreet (UK)
Session D Report


Beyond ocean connectivity: embracing advances on early life stages and adult connectivity to assessment and management challenges

​Manuel Hidalgo (Spain) Claire Paris (USA)
Lisa Kerr (USA)
Session E Report


Small-scale fisheries under data-limited scenarios                    

​Cristina Pita (Portugal) José Pascual (Spain)
Sebastian Villasante (Spain)
Session F Report


Managing marine ecosystem services in a changing climate (Co-sponsored by PICES)

​Sebastian Villasante (Spain)
Manuel Barange (UK) Keith Criddle (PICES)
Session G Report


Ocean acidification: Understanding chemical, biological and biochemical responses in marine ecosystems 
(Co-sponsored by PICES)

​Silvana Birchenough (UK) Pamela Walsham (UK)
Klaas Kaag (the Netherlands)
Tsuneo Ono (PICES)
Session H Report


A holistic ecosystem approach for marine management and conservation: Opportunities through the application of genetic and genomic approaches               

Jann Th. Martinsohn (JRC)
Dorte Bekkevold (Denmark)
Filip Volckaert (Belgium)
Session I Report


CIA on the loose (workshop)

​Jesper H. Andersen (Denmark)
Laura Uusitalo (Finland)
Jan Tjalling van der Wal (the Netherlands)
Session J Report


Sustainable approaches to aquaculture in the context of environmental change​

​Carrie J. Byron (USA) Gesche Krause (Germany)​Cancelled


Science-industry partnerships: The value of cooperative research in fisheries and marine management

​Clara Ulrich (Denmark) John Manderson (USA)
Mike Fitzpatrick (Ireland) Richard Robins (USA)
Session L Report


Social, economic, and ecological impact assessment across marine sectors?           

​J. Rasmus Nielsen (Denmark)
Jörn Schmidt (Germany)
Eric Thunberg (USA) Dan Holland (USA)​

Session M Report


Seafloor habitat mapping: from observation to management                            

​Frank-Detlef Bockelmann (Germany)
Pål Buhl-Mortensen (Norway)
Ibon Galparsoro (Spain)
Steven Degraer (Belgium)

Session N Report


Marine spatial planning and fisheries:
A stock-take on approaches, examples and future needs

​Erik Olsen (Norway)
Vanessa Stelzenmüller (Germany)​
Session O Report


How to hit an uncertain, moving target:
achieving Good Environmental Status under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive​

​Graham Pierce (UK) Mark Tasker (UK) 
Antonina dos Santos (Portugal)​
Session P Report


From genes to ecosystems: spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of the Baltic Sea
(Co-sponsored by BONUS)

​Karin Hüssy (Denmark) Jan Dierking (Germany)
Linda Laikre (Sweden)
Session Q Report


Causes and consequences of hypoxia

​Karin E. Limburg (USA​)
Valerio Bartolino (Sweden)
Benjamin Walther (USA)

Session R Report



Basin-scale dynamics at lower trophic levels in the North Atlantic ​

​Astthor Gislason (Iceland)
Claudia Castellani (UK) Peter Wiebe (USA)
Session S Report


Practical application of Genetic Stock Identification for the conservation, management, and restoration of diadromous fish species

​Dennis Ensing (UK) Philip McGinnity (Ireland)Session T Report
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Theme Sessions

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