Science symposia

Science symposia

We organize and provide support for scientific symposia in order to develop and share knowledge and expertise related to marine science.

ICES provides support for scientific symposia that contribute to our efforts to develop and share knowledge and expertise related to marine science. We are pleased to consider sponsorship of symposia in any areas of marine science highlighted in our Science plan.​

​​​​​​Symposia facilitate international, inter-institutional and cross-disciplinary communication by bringing together scientists and practitioners to present and discuss their latest work outputs and future plans. These events help scientists, especially at early career stages, to develop networks of collaborators, to get feedback on their research and to learn about new tools and techniques. The opportunity to meet colleagues and share knowledge enhances community engagement both at the symposium and afterwards, advances opportunities for collaborative research and training, and facilitates increased interaction between ICES and the marine science community at large.

​The inclusion of early career scientists is especially encouraged, and often travel support is available and can be requested.​​​

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Science symposia

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
ICES Secretariat · H. C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46, DK 1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark · Tel: +45 3338 6700 · Fax: +45 3393 4215 · [email protected]
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