ICES Annual Science Conference 2025

Theme sessions

Dive into the theme sessions coming up at ASC 2025. The sessions span a wide range of topics shaping the future of marine science, including human dimensions, climate change, sustainable aquaculture, and marine ecosystems.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Theme session A
Artificial reef effects and their implications for resource management decision-making


​​​​Henk van Rein​ (UK)
Avery Paxton (US)
Georgina Roberts (UK)
Andy ​Lipsky​​​​​ (US)

Theme ses​​sion B
Assessment of cumulative impacts on marine biodiversity

​​Julia Polo (Norway)
Esther Deborah Beukhof (Denmark)​
Pa​​tricia Puerta (Spain)​​

Theme session​ C​ 

Climate-ready fisheries management in the UN Ocean Decade

Steven Bograd (US)
Sanae Chiba (Canada)​​
Kathy Mills (US)​​
David Reid (Denmark)​

Theme session D

Fish tagging  The good, the bad, and the unknown

​Sophy McCully P​​hillips (UK)
Pia Schuchert (UK)
Hans Jakob Olesen​ (Denmark)

Theme session E

What can we learn from long-term time-series?


Dafne Eerke​s-Medrano (UK)
Lidia Yebra (Spain)
Frédéric Cyr (Canada)​​​
Dave Clark​ (Ireland)​

Theme ses​sion F
Improving operational implementation of spatial stock assessment and management

Georgios Kerametsidis (Spain)
Aaron Berger (US)
Manuel Hidalgo​ (Spain)
Theme session​ G

The human dimension in adaptive marine management  

​Rachel Seary (US)
Erin Satterthwaite​ (US)

Emily Ogier​ (Australia)

Theme session H

Managing for species distribution shifts​​

Kathy Mills​​ (US)
Kirstin Holsman (US)

Theme session I

Approaches to the inclusion of Indigenous and local knowledge in fisheries management and policy development

Daniel Goethel (US)
Karen Dunmall (Canada)​
Stine Rybråten (Norway)​​

Theme session J

​Integrating oceanographic data and products into marine ecosystems research

Tomasz Dabrowski​ (Ireland)
Francisco Campuzano (Portugal)
Ricardo Leal (Spain)
Sonja van Leeuwen (Netherlands)

Theme session K
Tradition and innovation in fish early-life history research

Maik Tiedemann (Norway)
Carolina Giraldo (France)
Patrick Polte​ (Germany)
Theme session​ L
Sustainable aquaculture impact indicators

Ellen Grefsrud (Norway)
Dounia Hamoutene​ (Canada)
Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt (Norway)
Theme session M
Controversial opinions in stock assessment and fisheries management

Liese Carleton​​ (Ireland)
Kristen Omori (US)
Daniel Howell (Norway)
Theme session N
The biological carbon cycle, the role of marine animals, and the impacts of fishing

Paula Silvar-Viladomiu (Ireland​)
Angela Martin (UK)
Ingrid van Putten (Netherlands)

Theme session O
Lessons, challenges, and opportunities in marine spatial conservation planning 

Tamara Vallina (Netherlands)
Emma Sheehan (UK)
Ryan Stanley ​(Canada)

Theme session P
Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) ​ From data through models to ICES Advice

Julian M. Burgos (Iceland)
Laura Grady (UK)​
Ashley Rowden​ (New Zealand)

Theme s​es​sion Q​

Marine biodiversity and ecosystem services for a sustainable future

Julie Bremner (UK)
Emma Verling (Ireland)
Cristina  Huertas  (Spain)​

​Theme s​es​sion R​

Other important research, not covered in this year's theme sessions

John Pinnegar (UK) 
Brian MacKenzie (Denmark)
Nathalie Steins (Netherlands​)
Uusitalo Laura (Finland)​


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​Image by: ​George Coppock

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Theme sessions

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