Open sessions

Shape the future path of ICES science.
Join the open sessions!

Open sessions provide you with a wider understanding of how ICES works and explore new ideas and initiatives.

These sessions often result in new proposals for working groups, workshops, or theme sessions for forthcoming ASCs. 

There are plenty of topics to choose from. Check out the line-up, and join the discussion!

Monday 19 September

9:00–10:00 Room: Omega 2​

Without data - no science, no advice, no ICES

Access to quality data is fundamental for ICES science and advice. The chairs of ICES Science and Advisory committees, and Head of Data and Information discuss how to make links between data users and data collectors, how to ensure data quality, and how to make data available to science and advice.

10:30–12:00 Room: Alfa 

What are the implications for marine ecosystems of interactions between multiple stressors?​

10:30–12:00 ​Room: Beta 2

ICES coordinated surveys: overviews, reporting survey design, and e-infrastructure​

Tuesday 20 September

13:00-15:00 Room: Alfa
"What do we mean by ICES science?"

Vice-Presidents Tammo Bult (NL) and Pierre Petitgas (FR) will lead this session and present the results of a survey of the ICES community and external partners aimed at getting feedback on the perceptions of the role of ICES science.

Come join this session to hear the results from our online survey about ICES science – and to share your views about it!

Wednesday 21 September

15:00–16:30 Room: Alfa 

How is your science being used in assessments and advice?​

15:00–16:30 Room: Beta 1 ​
Microplastics in the oceans​
Co-sponsored by JPI Oceans

15:00-16:30 Room: Beta 2
How to get your message through
Making your science matter – science communication tips to boost your impact

15:00-16:30 Room: Omega 1
Open science forum: Bridging the Baltic and the North Sea

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Open sessions

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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