Theme sessions

Take a look at all ASC 2016 Theme sessions.

Detailed timetables are available on each Theme session page.
Theme session A​

Fisher collected acoustic​ data (FCAD)

Conveners: Steve Barbeaux (USA) 
Martin Pastoors (the Netherlands) 
Sascha Fässler (the Netherlands)​​

Theme session B

Predictably Irrational – a new scientific research field for the science underpinning marine-resource management

Conveners: Sarah B. M. Kraak (Germany)
Dorothy J. Dankel  (Norway)

Theme session C​​

From individuals to ecosystems: their ecology and evolution

Conveners: Anna Kuparinen (Finland)
Anne Maria Eikeset (Norway)
Silva Uusi-Heikkilä (Finland)

Theme session D

Ecosystem changes and impacts on diadromous and marine species productivity

Conveners: Timothy Sheehan (USA) 
Katherine Mills (USA)​
Mark Payne (Denmark)

Theme session E

The emerging science of ecological multimodel inference for informing fisheries management

Conveners: Phillip Levin (USA) 
Stefan Neuenfeldt (Denmark) 
Tessa Francis (USA)

Theme session F

Integrated ecosystems assessment and decision support to advance ecosystem-based fisheries management


​​Conveners: John Pope (UK)
Lena Bergström (Sweden)
Melania Borit (Norway)​

Theme session G

The inshore challenge – management of recreational and commercial fisheries accounting for social benefits, economic value, and biological sustainability

Conveners: Kieran Hyder (UK) 
Harry Strehlow (Germany) 
Estanis Mugerza (Spain)
Maria Spedicato (Italy)

Theme session H

Looking backwards to move ahead: how the wider application of new technologies to interpret scale, otolith, statolith and other biomineralised age-registering structures could improve management of natural resources

Conveners: Ewan Hunter (UK)
Vladimir Laptikhovsky (UK)
Philip Hollyman (UK)​
Theme session I
Seasonal-to-decadal prediction of marine systems: opportunities, approaches, and applications
(Co-sponsored by PICES)

Conveners: Mark Payne (Denmark) 
Desiree Tommasi (USA) 
Alistair Hobday (Australia)​
Theme session J

What is a good pelagic habitat?

Conveners: Mark Dickey-Collas (ICES)
Abigail McQuatters-Gollop (UK)​
Verena Trenkel (France)

Theme session K
Make marine sediment extraction sustainable by mitigation of related processes with potential negative impacts​

Conveners: Ad Stolk (the Netherlands)
Keith Cooper (UK)
Michel Desprez (France)​

Theme session​ L
Integration challenges in maritime spatial planning – approaches, science gaps, and communication demands

Conveners: Andreas Kannen (Germany)
​Matt Gubbins (UK) 
Michael Gilek (Sweden)

Theme session M

The role of zooplankton in exploited ecosystems:  top-down and bottom-up stresses on pelagic food webs

Conveners: Angus Atkinson (UK)
Webjoern Melle (Norway)
Piotr Margoński (Poland)​

Theme session N
Long-term phytoplankton trends in the ICES area: regional distribution, bloom dynamics and response to environmental drivers​​

Conveners: Alexandra Kraberg (Germany) Eileen Bresnan (UK) 
Marie Johansen (Sweden)

Theme session O

“When is enough, enough?” Methods for optimising, evaluating, and prioritising of marine data collection
(Co-sponsored by PICES)

Conveners:​ J.H. Vølstad (Norway)
Mike Armstrong (UK)
Marie Storr-Paulsen (Denmark)
Robyn Forrest​ (Canada)
Theme session P

Arctic Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities
(Co-sponsored by AMAP and EU-PolarNet) ​

Conveners: Candace Nachman (USA)
Susanne Kortsch (Norway)

Theme session​ Q

Harvest control rules: beyond FMSY for an ecosystem approach to fisheries?

Conveners: Didier Gascuel (France) 
Lisa Borges (Belgium) 
Dave Reid (Ireland)​

Theme session R​

Integrating humanities and social sciences into marine ecosystem management - first steps 

​David Goldsborough (the Netherlands) 
Jörn Schmidt (Germany)​
Patricia M. Clay (USA)


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Theme sessions

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