Additional events

​​​​Tuesday 20 September

14:00–16:00 Room: Lambda

​AMAP/EU-PolarNet Stakeholder Workshop on Research Needs on Arctic Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services
In association with Theme Session P, Arctic Ecosystems Services: Challenges and Opportunities, this workshop welcomes​ not only scientists and the research community, but also various other stakeholders with interests associated with Arctic marine ecosystem services, including fisheries, shipping, and tourism.  

Registration​ is required.

​Wednesday 21 September

09:00–13:00 Room: Sigma 2

​BlueBRIDGE workshop: Innovative technologies at the service of the aquaculture, fisheries, and research sectors

If you are working on stock assessment models or you are a researcher or a scientist that needs computing capabilities, tools to harmonize different data sources, and faciliites to easily share research results with your collaborators, you cannot miss this workshop!

If you would like to participate please send an expression of interest to [email protected]

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​Photo: Jeremy Potter, NOAA

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