
When your abstract has been accepted for presentation in one of the theme sessions, follow these guidelines.
​​​Paper/oral presentations


The presenting author is required to make a 12–15 minute PowerPoint presentation that concisely summarizes the research question, the methods used, the results, and their significance.

In order to allow the sessions to run smoothly and in fairness to other speakers all presentations are expected to adhere strictly to the time allocated.  


All presentations in a theme session must be uploaded to a SharePoint site, or submitted at the presentations desk at the conference centre no later than 16:00 the day before your talk. Any presentations not submitted by this time will not be accepted in the session.

You have two options to submit your presentation:

With the do-it-yourself presentation SharePoint system you can upload your presentation to the SharePoint site:
Username: ices\presenter
Password: cod3

Alternatively, you can hand in your presentation at the ICES Presentations desk, next to the Registration desk in Hall 1. We will upload it onto the conference server and check that everything functions properly. In case of technical problems with your presentation, we will contact you by e-mail. Please note that there may be a queue at the presentations desk, so online upload is preferable. 

Poster presentations

Poster exhibition:

The poster exhibit will take place in Hall 1, and is open from Monday morning at 09:00 to Friday afternoon. 

Poster Session:

The Poster Session will be held on Tuesday 20 September from 18:00 to 20:00. At least one author of each poster must be available at the session to present their work.


Authors may present other visual or audio material at the Poster Session, e.g. a laptop presentation or audio clips. Please note that neither the organizers nor the conference centre can provide technical equipment for this purpose.

The posters will be grouped by theme session. In addition to the Poster Session, poster presenters may be offered a time slot for a short oral presentation (two slides maximum) at the relevant theme session. This is pending time allocated by the theme session conveners at each individual session. 


Authors are required to submit two versions of their poster, an electronic one (PDF) and a printed one.

The printed version shall be presented upon arrival at the conference centre to the poster exhibit staff who will advise where and how the poster should be displayed. Please do not try to display your poster without instructions from staff.

Size restrictions:

Posters should not exceed A0 size (84.1 × 118.9 cm) and should be in portrait format. Poster authors are asked to carefully observe the size restrictions, as we cannot promise to display your poster properly if it exceeds our maximum dimensions.

Submission deadline:

The deadline for electronic submission of posters is 26 August. Please submit your electronic poster in PDF format to Lise Cronne at the ICES Secretariat.

Abstracts and electronic posters

The presentation abstracts and electronic copies of the posters will be available to all registered conference participants during the conference. After the conference they will be published on the ICES website as part of the CM document collection. If you do not submit an electronic version of your poster, your submitted abstract will be made available online instead.

As opposed to previous years, we are not requesting the submission of extended abstracts. However, if you are required to submit an extended abstract or a full paper, you are welcome to do so. In that case, please send the document to Lise Cronne at the ICES Secretariat.

Social media code of conduct

Participants are encouraged to share their experiences at the ASC via social media. Thus, please inform the audience if you do not wish your presentation or poster to be cited in social media.

The ASC is an open forum, and it is also intended to be a respectful one. Please be mindful when posting information on social media.

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