Early career scientists

We encourage early career scientists to participate in the ASC, and a number of initiatives are in place to assist and welcome you to the conference.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Early career scientist events 

The ASC will offer events especially for early career scientists. These will include mentoring programmes, career chats, and a skills workshop​ on getting published. ​​

Mentor meetup
Monday 19 September at 14:30 in Hall 2

Did you register for the mentor programme? Meet your mentor and group by the Brain Box in Hall 2.

Sub Stop
Monday 19 September at 19:00 at welcome reception

Look out for the orange ICES submarine!
During the welcome reception, members of the Science and Advisory committees as well as other key people from the ICES community will gather at the Sub Stop for you to meet and ask all the questions you ever had about ICES.

BONUS/ICES getting published skills workshop
Tuesday 20 September at 13:00— 15:00 in Beta 1

A special workshop on getting published. Three speakers will advise how to order and structure research questions and papers, using statistics, using graphics, where to submit, and importantly how to promote your work once it has been published!
Read more and register for the workshop.

Career chat
Wednesday 21 September at ​13:00–15:00 in Hall 2 (near the Brain box)

Come along armed with your questions and create your own discussions with experts from around the world that have taken different career paths. You will have the opportunity to ask these well-known members of the marine science community​ for any advice they may have for you. Interested? Read more and register for the event. ​

Early career scientist awards

Three early career scientist awards will be presented at the conference (two for oral presentations and one for poster presentation). These awards will emphasize the quality of the presentations and not the career achievements of the early career scientists.

The awardee is the first author and major contributor of the research presented. They don't need be first-time presenters at an ASC, however, they should not have received a previous early career scientist award from ICES.

The prizes consist of certificates and €1,000 vouchers to be used to cover participation costs in an ICES training course, expert group meeting, symposium, or workshop, but not the ASC. The voucher must be redeemed within 24 months of the award.

​​Travel funds for early career scientists  

The online application system for travel funds is closed, and successful recipients have been notified.  

To be eligible, the applicant must:

  • be 35 years of age or younger 
    have completed their PhD in the last five years

  • be of a nationality and affiliation in an ICES member country

  • have had an abstract accepted for ASC. 

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Early career scientists

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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