Social events

Join these events and get to know your fellow scientists!

​​​​​​Monday 19 September                                                    

19:00–21:00 Room: Hall 1​​
Welcome Reception
Includes the launch of Global Marine Science and Carlsberg - The Golden Connections of Johannes Schmidt (1877–1933) ​by Bo Poulsen and the Early career scientist's Sub Stop

21:00-22:00 Room: D'Vine Lounge (in Radisson Blu)
A get-together for the ASC Twitterati.  Ever wonder who all the people tweeting about #ICESASC16 are? Join the #tweetup to meet the ASC Twitterati, chat with your fellow tweeters, and have some fun & games while at it!

​Tuesday 20 September

18:30–20:00 Room: Hall 1
Poster session

​Wednesday 21 September

17:00–19:00 Room: Alfa
Game night
Do you think you know what it takes to manage fisheries sustainably? Prove it! Join us for an evening of games, conversation, and some behavioural research on how teams can address pressing issues in fisheries.  All are welcome and prize money will be given to teams that perform the best!​

​Thursday 22 September

19:30–22:00 Restaurant Pie Kristapa Kunga
Conference dinner
Tickets cost €40 and are available at the ASC registration desk.

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Social events

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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