Open session on microplastics in the oceans
JPI/Healthy Oceans and ICES host an open session looking at microplastics
Wednesday 21 September 15:00–16:30
Room: Beta 1
Chair: Gunnar Gerdts, Germany
Page Content
Come hear JPI/Healthy Oceans talk about their projects with microplastics:
- BASEMAN - defining the baselines and standards for microplastics analyses in European waters
Gunnar Gerdts, AWI, Germany
- PLASTOX - direct and indirect ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on marine organisms
Andy Booth, Sintef, Norway
- WEATHERMIC - how microplastic weathering changes its transport, fate and toxicity in the marine environment
Annika Jahnke, UFZ, Germany
- MikrOMIK - microplastic as vector for microbial populations in the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea
Sonja Oberbeckmann, IOW, Germany