Theme session R

Integrating humanities and social sciences into marine ecosystem management - first steps

Friday 23 September 09:00—17:00 in Omega 2
Patricia M. Clay (USA)
Jörn Schmidt (Germany)​
David Goldsborough (the Netherlands)​

​​​​​​​​​​Contact conveners​​​​

Social, cultural, economic, and governance aspects need to be integrated into the framework of the ecosystem-based approach to management (EBM). The integrated ecosystem assessments (IEA) process needs to integrate the understanding of marine socio-ecological systems and apply methodologies from both the natural and the social sciences, as well as methodologies that  integrate across disciplines. If the understanding is to be translated into advice and management, the interface between science and policy, including the involvement of wider civil society, needs to be taken into account. 

This​​​​ session will focus on a few case studies where this integration has been pursued to learn from successes and failures. These case studies wil be presented as impulse presentations to stimulate a discussion on ways forward.

Papers are welcome on the following topics related to the management of marine ecosystems:

  • Case studies illustrating the inclusion of the humanities and social sciences in:
    • Ecosystem understanding
    • Integrated ecosystem essessments (IEA)
    • Ecosystem-based management (EBM)
  • Case studies illustrating how multiple stakeholders were involved in co-design and co-production of knowledge relevant for management scheme development
  • Case studies on defining management-relevant societal indicators of human activities and their drivers that cause pressures on the state of the marine environment
  • Methods for including environmental, ecological, and societal information and indicators in advice and management strategies
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Theme session R

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