Getting published workshop

‘Getting published!’
A workshop for early career scientists at ICES ASC
Co-sponsored by BONUS

13:00–15:00 Tuesday 20 September
Room: Beta 1

​​​​​​​​​​"No matter how big your scientific breakthrough, it won't do your career much good if you don't publish it in a scientific journal, preferably one with a high impact factor. Publication in peer-reviewed journals is how scientists communicate their results to the scientific community; it is also an enduring record of your small--or not-so-small--contribution to the vast pool of human knowledge." Elisabeth Pain, Science​

BONUS and ICES invite all early career scientists at this year's ASC to a special workshop on getting published. Three speakers will advise how to order and structure research questions and papers, using statistics, using graphics, where to submit, and importantly how to promote your work once it has been published!

  • Howard Browman is Editor-in-Chief of ICES Journal of Marine Science and Principal Research Scientist at IMR, Norway.
  • Jacob Carstensen is a professor at Aarhus University in Denmark. He has more than 20 years of experience in writing scientific articles and for the past 10 years has served as an editor for two journals.​
  • Line Reeh is Press Officer at DTU Aqua, Denmark

What Howard will cover:

• a proposal for the order in which to write the different sections of the paper • preparing figures appropriate for the page format of the target journal and writing stand-alone captions • structuring a compelling introduction - the test - can you reconstruct jumbled sentences?

• deciding where to submit your research paper • how to anticipate the editor's expectations for submitted manuscripts • how to write a strong cover letter • how to respond to comments from reviewers and editors • how to write a good review of someone else's manuscript • publication ethics - authorship; plagiarism; text reuse...

​About Jacob's talk:

Nobody is a born scientific writer and writing papers is a difficult process, even for experienced scientists. There is no unique formula to writing good papers and all scientists have to develop their own style of writing, but I would like to share some thoughts about how to improve your scientific writing. Writing papers is a kind of storytelling, where focus should be on conveying important messages to the readers. Throughout the writing process a critical step is asking yourself the So-What question, because if you cannot pass that test your paper is unlikely to be published. Clearly formulated research questions often helps getting the story right. Structuring the paper around the graphical material is another important message, because the figures capture the reader and essentially determine if the text will also be read. Finally, statistics should be employed with care, meaning that statistics should be used to investigate formulated hypotheses, even if they are just descriptive, and not as add-on to lend apparent scientific credibility to the study. I will also share my experiences of using statistics as support to clearly formulated hypotheses, i.e. the hypotheses dictate the statistics and not the other way round.

About Line's talk:

Promoting your paper by talking to journalists – and boosting your citation factor

Publications and citations are the main currency of an academic career. So when there is so little time already, why take time away from doing research and writing scientific papers to do media work and outreach? Well, for one, thing, to boost ones citations. I will share with you the results from a number of studies that show that researchers are more likely to cite papers that have been publicized in the popular press, making news media a relevant platform for scientists to showcase their work to their peers - as well as to funders and other important stakeholders. In recent years, social media have entered the scene, giving everyone the possibility to be their own PR manager. New studies indicate that social media (in this case Twitter), might further amplify the impact of having interactions with reporters. And finally, we will talk about five tips for talking to journalists/engaging on social media about your work.

Don't miss out!​

Register your place at this workshop as places are limited.
As the workshop takes place at lunchtime, lunch will be provided.
In your registration mail, please let us know of any dietary restrictions.

If for any reason you cannot attend after registering, please deregister by sending an email to ICES.

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Getting published workshop

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