Data Portals

DATRAS news and updates

Here you can find the latest news regarding DATRAS development. Small format changes such as new fields or large changes affecting the submission format. New surveys and data products will also be announced here.

​​1st June 2024

​​​​​​The new app for comparison reports and resubmission alerts registration is now live and available in our page. Please check the right hand side menu under "Useful Links", or follow this link:

Comparison reports overview (

an initial help document is available here:


We are looking forward many subscriptions, and all the feedback you can think of, either through the feedback link in the app page or directly by email to [email protected]

Format updates:

2024 Q4

Large change in headers labels. More information coming soon.

2024 Q1

Several field descriptions have been modified by request from IBTSWG and after review and acceptance by WGDG in Q1 2024 meeting. These reviewed descriptions are available in the 

Unified format description document, not yet in the mandatory fields per survey page, as this will be largely modified by the end of 2024.

2023 Q1

New field added to HH record type: SurveyIndexArea. This field is related to the TS_AreaType in CA and will allow submission of HH data according to specific survey areas, instead of StatRec.

Vocabularies updates:

2024 Q4

The vocab linked to the CA field OtGrading will change from TS_OtGrading to the common MeasurementCertainty. Only AQ codes will be allowed in DATRAS. 

2023 Q3

Known outstanding data issues:

Please be aware that there are known issues with the way CatCatchWgt has been reported until 2023. These are documented in​.


Web changes:

Several data products names have been modified to make them more understandable to the general public:

"Exchange Data" is now "Unaggregated trawl and biological information"
"FlexFile" is now "Swept Area trawl information"
"ALK" is now "Age Length Key"
"SMALK" is now "Age Length Key by Sex and Maturity"
"Indices" is now "Age-based indices by area"
"Litter Exchange Data" is now "Unaggregated litter data"

Furthermore, a brief description of each data product appears when the product is selected, together with one or several links to the relevant documentation.



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DATRAS news and updates

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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