Survey reporting formatsDATRAS Litter reporting format
Survey reporting formats
DATRAS Litter reporting format
ICES Library of Survey ProtocolsBaltic International Trawl Survey (BITS)North Sea International Bottom Trawl Survey (NS-IBTS)International Bottom Trawl Surveys in the Western and Southern Areas (WS-IBTS)French Southern Atlantic Bottom Trawl Survey (EVHOE)Beam Trawl Survey (BTS)International Deep Pelagic Ecosystem Survey in the Irminger Sea (IS-IDPS)
ICES Library of Survey Protocols
Baltic International Trawl Survey (BITS)
North Sea International Bottom Trawl Survey (NS-IBTS)
International Bottom Trawl Surveys in the Western and Southern Areas (WS-IBTS)
French Southern Atlantic Bottom Trawl Survey (EVHOE)
Beam Trawl Survey (BTS)
International Deep Pelagic Ecosystem Survey in the Irminger Sea (IS-IDPS)
DATRAS FAQsHow to upload data to DATRASUnits and codes in DATRAS data products
How to upload data to DATRAS
Units and codes in DATRAS data products
DATRAS technical description - including indices calculation Bootstrap calculation procedure ALK automated substitution descriptionIBTS index calculation procedureSwept area (km2) algorithmsBITS index calculation procedureBITS Area WeightsBITS fishing power (TVL)SWC-IBTS and ROCKALL index calculation procedure (<2011)Swept Area Assessment Output (WKSAE report and advice)Sensitive Species Abundance indices (WKABSENS report and advice)Sunrise-sunset functions
DATRAS technical description - including indices calculation
Bootstrap calculation procedure
ALK automated substitution description
IBTS index calculation procedure
Swept area (km2) algorithms
BITS index calculation procedure
BITS Area Weights
BITS fishing power (TVL)
SWC-IBTS and ROCKALL index calculation procedure (<2011)
Swept Area Assessment Output (WKSAE report and advice)
Sensitive Species Abundance indices (WKABSENS report and advice)
Sunrise-sunset functions
Github repository for DATRAS protocols
WKSABI 2019 reportWKDATR-BoB 2018 reportWKDATR-NSCS 2018 reportWKIDP 2014 reportWKDATR 2013 report
WKSABI 2019 report
WKDATR-BoB 2018 report
WKDATR-NSCS 2018 report
WKIDP 2014 report
WKDATR 2013 report
Survey descriptionsDATRAS survey area maps Data submission deadlines
Survey descriptions
DATRAS survey area maps
Data submission deadlines