Data Portals

Nesting Seabirds; Seal Sightings

Seabirds and seals abundance and distribution

​This portal assembles data supplied by contracting parties to OSPAR (North East Atlantic) as well as other data from the ICES area.

This database is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR in providing information that will feed their regional assessments of biodiversity.

This database is covered by the ICES data policy. Data are provided as either open access, CC BY 4.0 or as restricted. The nature of these data mean there are specific exclusions to unrestricted public access, as data may have been provided by non-governmental organisations, for these the ICES Biodiversity Licence applies.


Development of this portal was funded by the OSPAR Commission

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Nesting Seabirds; Seal Sightings

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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