Data Portals


Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) data to understand their abundance and distribution

​​​​This portal assembles at-sea effort-related data collected via ship-based or aerial methods, collated under the Joint Cetacean Database Programme (JCDP).

The JCDP aims to streamline the process of accessing and utilising these data by collating the existing and forthcoming cetacean evidence base into a single resource. These data have a wide range of applications and have the potential to support analyses at a range of spatial and temporal scales. 

For more information, visit the JCDP hub​.

How to Cite

Joint Cetacean Data Programme (JCDP), [Date Accessed]. ICES, Copenhagen, Denmark.

View full dataset meta-record

Development of this portal was funded by DEFRA (UK)

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