Each submission consists of data from a single survey, country, year, quarter, ship and gear.
Submissions require a single file with the three record types one after the other, each one preceded by a row of headers. The three record types (HH, HL and CA) are linked by a few common fields, including those identifying the submission plus the haul and station IDs.
In this spreadsheet you can read the descriptions of all the available fields in the DATRAS format and get a template file with all headers:
HH record type
There are more than 65 available fields in this record type. These represent the haul characteristics, such as date, time, coordinates, gear specifications, haul duration and distance, and environmental conditions.
HL record type
There are more than 25 available fields in this record type that allow among others for recording subsampling and categorisation of the catch, length measurements and the measurement units, weight recording, numbers caught.
CA record type
In the CA record type, there are more than 30 available fields. This record type is linked with HL records by species and length class. In the CA record type, biological information for individual fish is reported, such as length, weight, sex, sexual maturity stage, age. When a species is reported in CA, also a record in HL should be available for that species, even if all information is marked as '-9' (missing information).
LT record type
Litter data records are submitted in separate files and consists of 21 fields describing the number, weight, and nature of each litter item caught in each haul. For the submission to be successful the corresponding HH records must already exist in the database.
See details of mandatory fields per survey here.