Project collaborations


Paradigm for Novel Dynamic Oceanic Resource Assessments

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lead organization: Technical University of Denmark - DTU

Duration: 2018-2022

ICES contacts:

Lotte Worsøe Clausen, Head of Advisory Support

Eirini Glyki​,​ Science Department Professional Officer​

The PANDORA project contributes to ensuring the long-term sustainability of European fisheries by advancing current models for fish stock assessments. In cooperation with regional stakeholders, PANDORA will create new biological knowledge, develop fisheries management scenarios and policy recommendations, and provide an online tool box for fishers, fisheries managers, decision- and policy-makers across Europe.

Project objectives:​
  • Create more realistic assessments and projections of changes in fisheries resources by utilizing new biological knowledge including, for the first time, proprietary data sampled by pelagic fishers
  • Advice on how to secure long-term sustainability of EU fish stocks and elucidate tradeoffs between profitability and number of jobs in their fisheries fleets. Provide recommendations on how to stabilize the long-term profitability of European fisheries
  • Develop a public, internet-based resource tool box (PANDORAs Box of Tools), including assessment modelling and stock projections code, economic models, and region- and species-specific decision support tools; increase ownership and contribution opportunities of the industry to the fish stock assessment process through involvement in data sampling and training in data collection, processing and ecosystem-based fisheries management

This project has received funding from the ​​​European Commission's Horizon 2020​​ research and innovation programme 
under Grant 
​ Agreement No 773713.



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