PANDORA's Toolbox

PANDORA's Toolbox

Paradigm for Novel Dynamic Oceanic Resource Assessments

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​PANDORA addresses important, practical, and region-specific research gaps for European fisheries.

The toolbox is an interactive website including a variety of resources ranging from simple meta-data and links to preexisting tools to more complex, front-end platforms for displaying outputs from improved assessment and economic models (e.g. short- to long-term changes in distribution and/or productivity of fish stocks as well as economic trade-offs associated with different management strategies).

​Density dependence
When fish stocks recover they enter into competition for prey resources, resulting in changed stock structures. What are the density-dependent impacts of rebuilding Europe's commercial stocks?
​Spatial structure
Many fish stocks have displayed changes in their geographical distribution in recent years, current MSY reference points do not account for these changes. PANDORA seeks to change that.
​Environmental impacts
Climate-driven factors can cause species-specific changes in productivity. Environmentally sensitive SSB-R relationships will allow management to rapidly adapt to changes in the productivity of fish stocks.
​Food web dynamics
Using a single species approach to achieving MSY for both a predator and its prey may not be realistic as changes in stock abundance influence other stocks. How can we integrate food web interactions in "pretty good yield" estimates?
Industry self-sampling
When requirements for biological data are linked clearly to identified management needs, data collected with and by fishermen has the potential to improve fisheries assessment, management and the long term prosperity of the sector.

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​About Pandora
PANDORA’s work was structured in
(i) improving hindcasts and status quo descriptions of the stock, 
(ii) improving long-term predictions to determine sustainable fishing mortality rates, starting with fishing mortality at maximum sustainable yield, but focusing on alternative formulations that increase security at only marginally lower yield (“Pretty Good Yield, PGY”), and
(iii) improving short term predictions resulting in management recommendations (total allowable catch or effort).

This project has received funding from the ​​​European Commission's Horizon 2020​​ research and innovation programme under Grant ​Agreement No 773713.

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PANDORA's Toolbox

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